Applied BioLogics


Universal Oral Vaccine: The Immune Milk Saga!

Universal Oral Vaccine: The Immune Milk Saga! -- Published Version

by Anthony di Fabio
Copyright 1998

All rights reserved by the The Roger Wyburn-Mason and Jack M.Blount
Foundation for Eradication of Rheumatoid Disease
AKA The Arthritis Trust of America ®

7376 Walker Road, Fairview, TN 37062-8141

Dream Cure!!

An oral vaccine exists that is:

  • 100% safe for 100% of those who use it;
  • can be taken orally without any distaste;
  • can be manufactured in virtually every country in the world with the technology available to each country;
  • is so cheap that virtually everyone in the world can afford it;
  • boosts the immune system, accelerates healing of injuries, helps repair nervous system damage, burns fat & builds lean muscle, increases vitality and stamina, and elevates mood.
  • is ubiquitous, in that it will protect against any organism (including virus, rickettsia, parasite, protozoan, bacteria, mycoplasm, yeast/fungus, amoeba) or any allergen (including exogenous and endogenous sources), and might -- just might -- dry up to blow away a number of cancers?

Over 4,000 clinical studies worldwide describe and/or support the use of this oral vaccine for hundreds of different diseases.

Would you like to have this vaccine?

Consider the Calf -- or Any Other Newborn Mammal!

Bessie, our former pet milk cow, lived in a small pasture of not more than three acres. She munched on uncooked grasses during the summer and uncooked dry hay during the winter, licked mineral block, and drank from a rain-filled, surface-drained pond whose waters were loaded with a wide variety of microorganisms. The pond also held frogs, snakes, bugs, worms, snails, and so on. She often drank and urinated at the same time, recycling fluids from the pond even as she drank.

When she was ready to drop her calf, we led her to an old barn that had held forty head of cattle. One’s nose almost stiffled from sediments of dust, mold, fungi, and dried manure layered fifty years deep.

When Bessie’s calf, Nina (pronounced “Neenya), was born, she lacked effective defensive mechanisms against the blizzard of microorganisms that assailed her in every cubic inch of the air she breathed, the ground she stood on, or on the inexperienced tongue she extended to various surfaces. Almost by magic, thousands of potentially deadly microorganisms invaded her immature body.

Nina, as with all calves, was also born with a leaky gut!

Now pay attention here, because I know that many readers have a leaky gut, a condition where the stomach lining is so thin that whole, undigested protein molecules pass directly from the stomach into the blood stream. Once inside the blood stream these protein molecules are identified as foreign invaders, and we create antibodies to counteract them. This situation brings about food allergies.

Patients and their doctors both work very, very hard to get rid of the patient’s leaky gut. Their leaky gut is considered the source of many degenerative diseases -- or at least a major component of them. But Bessie and Nina had found a way to make the leaky gut a beneficial survival mechanism!

When Nina wobbled to her feet and gently nudged at Bessie’s milk sac, the very first milk to come was colostrum. As Nina prodded the milk sac with her nose and sucked as saliva dripped, she also injected her blizzard of rapidly multiplying microorganisms into Bessie’s teat, and up into Bessie’s milk sac into a portion called the “cistern.”

A main difference between Bovid Mammary Gland and Human, according to Herbert Struss, Ph.D. Cow’s have a large cistern.

Inside Bessie’s cistern specialized cells that had been lying dormant came alive, and they started manufacturing -- guess what?-- “disease-specific antibodies,” and “complement,” and also flooding her cistern with “immunoglobulins” and “growth factors!”

Very shortly after Nina introduced her stream of potentially dangerous microorganisms into Bessie’s teat -- then into Bessie’s cistern – her mammary biochemical factory stimulated specialized cells that became active and began to create disease-specific antibodies and activated complement that mingled with Nina’s first fluids, the colostrum, which Nina sucked back into her leaky gut from Bessie’s teats.

The immunoglobulins, growth factors and these disease-specific antibodies and their helpers, the complement, passed directly into Nina’s stomach, and there they attached themselves to whatever corresponding organisms were present inside the gut, killing many.

Now also the survival advantage of Nina’s leaky gut came into play.

Because of Bessie’s leaky gut many of these specially prepared biochemicals also passed directly into Nina’s blood stream, and within her blood plasma they attached themselves to whatever microorganisms they’d been designed to destroy, thence a cascade of complement resulted, overwhelming the icroorganisms one by one, so that never once was Nina placed in danger from the surrounding hostile environment whose every biological niche was filled with a wide variety of deadly microorganisms. (See “Immune System Protection from Foreign Invaders,”

Growth factors in Bessie’s colostrum also helped to heal Nina’s leaky gut, and also strengthened Nina in other ways.

According to Herbert Struss, Ph.D., former Senior Chemist, Food Chemistry Laboratory, Minnesota Department of Agriculture Laboratory Services Division -- and also a scientist who was involved in much of the early clinical work testing this wondrously universal vaccine -- those interested in “immune milk” (as it is called) during the ‘60s, made their astounding oral vaccine discoveries when they were trying to answer the question: “What’s the survival advantage to being a mammal? After all, beetles have developed a wide variety of survival mechanisms that take up the major share of environmental niches allotted to insects; birds developed wings to escape ground predators, and, of course, microorganisms have adapted and thrive in virtually every imaginable niche, from deep rock, inside the hottest springs, beneath arctic cold, throughout fleecy white clouds above us, in us, and on us, and so on.

But why did mammals survive? What’s the advantage to being a mammal?

Clearly, Nina’s suckling at Bessie’s teat, drawing a blood-like liquid called “colostrum” from Bessie’s cistern was a possible answer to their question. The survival advantage was simply that an “ac3 quired” or “adaptive” immunity could be transferred from mother to offspring, and that this adaptive immunity would extend for some period of time, thus providing the offspring with a distinct survival advantage!

In man, human milk may not be necessary for survival, as it is with multilayered placentas such as horse, goats, and cattle. But some immunity does pass from the mother to the human child. It’s since become clear that a breast-fed human baby usually has an advantage over bottle fed, as the human mammary gland provides the same kind of acquired immunity to the child as that supplied by the cow to its calf. During the fifties and sixties pediatricians recommended against breast feeding. Those nurtured by bottle, rather than breast, did not receive a necessary boost to immune and digestive systems, or growth factors required after puberty. Vulnerability to disease and allergies was clearly greater!

So now that Nina is safe, and the survival of mammals seems assured in this aeon, a second question was posed in the 50’s and 60’s: Could Bessie’s protective immunoglobulins and disease-specific antibodies and complement also be used by other species, such as man?

The answer to the question of Bessie’s diseasespecific antibodies and complement being transferable to other species, especially man, turned out to be an unequivocal YES!


Because: (1) the end products desired from all vaccinations against microorganisms are disease-specific antibodies and complement that can surround, attach to, and overwhelm it’s counterpart invader one by one;

and, (2) this disease-specific antibody and complement is the same regardless of whether or not it comes from a mouse, guinea pig, horse, cow, human, goat, lion, or any mammal on earth, so far as is known.

Antibodies” are molecules designed to attach to antigens (invaders and their toxins), making them amendable to later decomposition.

“Complement,” plasma proteins, are molecules which assist (or complement) antibodies to overwhelm and to destroy foreign invaders, and they consist of twenty immunologically and chemically distinct forms capable of interacting with one another, with antibodies, and with cell membranes.

“Immunoglobulins” are a system of closely related proteins that can act as antibodies, and are identified as five major classes (with subclasses within), IgG, IgA, IgM, IgD, and IgE, each with different molecular weights.

According to research data, there are as many as 83 known substances (components) in colostrum, including growth factors, lipids, lactoferrin (iron-binding protein with antimicrobial qualities), cytokines [released from T cells, they inhibit replication of viruses and chemicals (cytotoxins) that kill the infected cell], etc.

The immunoglobulins (Ig’s) are only one type of substance, and may not be the most important component.

“Immune milk” is a “natural medicine” field that has been subjected to more than 40 years of research and yet there is much research to be mapped.

The Interactive Farm Ecology

Lee Beck, Ph.D., president Stolle Milk Biologics International, Blue Ash, Ohio, a company that holds about 300 patents related to the extraction, standardization, packaging and use of protective immune milk factors, provides a useful analogy:

Not more than a few generations ago humankind was predominately centered around a farm community. Large families were the rule, each person having responsible chores for the good of the whole.

Farmer Brown’s cattle grazed on open pasture, sharing and resharing microorganisms with all the other cows, calves and bulls.

Farmer Brown, or his wife and children, fed their cattle personally. Each of them transmitted many of their own microorganisms to the cattle. As they ate the meat and drank the milk produced by the cow, they received many of these same microorganisms back into their bodies.

Some of the cow’s milk was fed back to the pigs and some milk was simply thrown away, or lapped up by their pet dog and cat.

Brown’s pigs rooted in the cow manure. What the pigs didn’t eat, the chickens and ducks scrambled for, inadvertently picking up a massive amount of shared microorganisms.

Farmer Brown killed cleaned and ate some of the chickens and ducks, , collected and ate their eggs, and again unknowingly and, through handling and other contact means, he inadvertently received an infusion of their jointly shared microorganisms.

At least once a year, Farmer Brown and his family hitched up Dobbie to a wagon, and their work horse hauled their creaking wagon to the cow barn where Farmer Brown and his sturdy sons heaved cow manure into the wagon bed. Dobbie, of course, added his little bit now and then, but never mind, this was scooped up and added to the load.

The wagon moved out at last, and Farmer Brown and sons generously spread manure all over their garden-to-be.

Microorganisms worked their way into the soil which was tilled, planted and later, through the grace of God and the weather, brought forth abundant crops, many of which were eaten by the Brown’s family as well as their many animals.

Some of the microorganisms dried and blew back into the air breathed by farmer Brown and his family, as well as his close-knit family of farm animals.

In short, this generous ecological sharing and re-sharing of both foods and microorganisms formed an almost closed ecological system, so that vaccination and revaccination of Brown’s family and his farm animals became a continuing on-going event.

Stories abound of isolated farm families who sustained great health until after a visit by a traveling stranger who was normally welcomed with open arms. Of course, an isolated Farmer Brown and family would not have had time to acquire immunity to the strange microorganisms brought into their ecological fold, and sometimes these tiny microbes devasted whole families, indeed, even whole communities, and sometimes tribes or nations.

Today we have predominately an urban environment. Rapid means of transportation, congested populations and a sparsity of loving, sharing farm animals that could process and reprocess our disease-causing microorganisms daily have all conspired together to bring about a different world-wide ecology. This ecology consists of a multiplicity of microorganisms, humans, and animals, interacting, sharing one with the other, modifying, and sharing again.

A disease -- Hong Kong flu, for example – appearing at one part of the globe can sweep toward any other part as fast as it takes airplanes to fly.

We’re all of us on one huge ecological farm, called “Earth” without specifically community center help from Lucy, Dobbie, or any other common farm animals, except in isolated farm communities. Our primary reliance seems to be on a deceptive, over-protective FDA and the veracity and assumed grace of giant pharmaceutical companies.

Suppression of A Vaccine With Broad Scope

Back in the ‘50s and ‘60s -- stemming from University of Minnesota research -- a general solution to all infections and allergies was discovered, implemented, and suppressed.

Suppressed by whom?

-- by the FDA, of course!

While succeeding admirably during these early days with FDA approved clinical studies on rheumatic disease, rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, and allergies, the initial approval granted was suddenly revoked without a rational excuse.

But the FDA was not alone this time. When charged with repeating a study to substantiate a key patent claim related to “immune milk,” members of the U.S. Department of Agriculture deliberately falsified experimental results, according to court records.

To emphasize further: this general solution encompassed all known antigens, bacterial, viral, yeast/fungal, amoebic, mycoplasmal, pollen, and simple protein.

In other words if you have a health condition that is based on any microorganism or allergen, and some chemical sensitivities, there is already known a simple, inexpensive process to solve the problem.

Impro Products’ Mary Collins (deceased) fought the U.S. Department of Agriculture. She demonstrated to the court’s satisfaction that the U.S. Department of Agriculture had falsified experimental data, apparently to prevent Collins’ patent on immune milk. Her patent became only the second in U.S. history to obtain an extension of time by act of Congress, due to governmental interference. Photo taken Waukon, Iowa 1998.

Scope of Protection Immune Milk

As already stated, appropriate scientific studies carried out in the early ‘6os found promising success. They included rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, rheumatic fever, and pollen allergies. Subsequent research has expanded this list considerably, including drying up some cancerous tumors.

According to Herbert Edwin Struss, Ph.D., one unpublished report showed “spectacular” survival rates for small children from a poverty area in Mexico who were treated against colon bacteria with this method by cooperating Mexican physicians.

As a general principle, this method of preparing disease-specific colostrum will transfer adaptive immunity safely against any allergen or antigen -- any substance which, when introduced into the body, creates antibodies (such as allergenic pollens, house dust, animal hairs, or microorganism proteins). For allergy prevention, one can use a mixture of hair (cats, dogs, cattle), making a bovine cistern-injectable vaccine. Other allergens, like pollens, can also be introduced into the cow’s cistern resulting in colostrum that has the beneficial effects of developing resistance to the antigens that produce the allergies.

Experimental studies in the patents listed in the references attached include: "bacteria, viruses, proteins, animal tissue, plant tissue, spermatozoa, rickettsia, metazoan parasites, mycotic molds, fungi, pollens, dust and similar substances . . . exemplary antigens include: bacterial -- Salmonella pullorum, Salmonella typhi, Salmonella parathypi, Staphylococcus, aureus, a Streptoccous agalactiae, g Streptococcus agalactiae, Staphyloccus albus, Staphylococcus pyogenes, E. Coli, pneumococci, streptococci, and the like; viral -- influenza type A, fowl pox, turkey pox, herpes simplex and the like; protein -- egg albumin and the like; tissue -- blood and sperm." (See “Universal Oral Vaccine -- With Patents,”

In an experiment using immune milk conducted at Notre Dame University's Lobund Institute, Impro Products, Inc. substances reduced tooth decay in laboratory animals as much as 87 percent. (Although bacteria are usually blamed, the work of dentist Dr. Trevor Lyons clearly demonstrates a synergism between protozoans and bacteria, and the devastating effects of certain protozoans.)

Trial mammals protected according to various immune milk patents were mice, cows, goats, chickens and pigs.

The immune milk method is also good for chickenpox, cold sores, genital herpes, Cryptocides sporidium, and for anti-inflammatory conditions, as it is heavy with complement (C3B) and anti-complement, substances that assist in the destruction of invasive organisms.

Immune milk pioneer, contemporary and co-worker with original innovators Drs. Berry Campbell and W.E. Peterson, Herbert Edwin Struss, Ph.D., (former Senior Chemist, Food Chemistry Laboratory, Minnesota Department of Agriculture, Laboratory Services Division, St. Paul, Minnesota), was one of the key men to initiate FDA approved human clinical studies with specially prepared colostrum. Dr. Struss was also Director of Research for the W.E. Petersen Research Institute and editor of the Journal of Immune Milk published in the early ‘60s by the International Association on Immunity.
Dr. Struss is shown here on his Wisconsin farm, still hale and hearty in this 1998 photo, but now deceased.

Other Sources than Immune Milk

Although not as economical or as easy to obtain as bovine or goat colostrum, the same diseasespecific antibody and complement can also be obtained from other sources than colostrum. For example: (1) donors with high (cell-mediated) immunity to known antigens (cloning); (2) from human placentas, and (3) the spleen from immunized eggs, pigs or ducks, or even from humans who have good (cell-mediated) immunity to the relevant antigens.

Because these substances -- called “transfer factors” -- are so cheap, widespread, and easy to use, various countries outside of the United States use it, including China, Czechoslovakia, Germany, Poland, and Hungry. In Japan, the only high-wage country where it is used, forty Red Cross Centers provide transfer factor produced from pooled leukocytes (white blood cells) of normal healthy donors to 400 hospitals for use in a wide variety of conditions.

(Use of transfer factor does not cause hepatitis, but is effective against hepatitis, does not cause AIDS, and may be helpful in some of the diseases associated with AIDS.)

There are many particles that can transfer immunity. Subsequently confirmed by other scientists -- in reporting on membrane filtered (dialyzable) white blood cells (leukocytes) to obtain “transferfactors” -- they found that transfer of immunity had taken place in the following conditions:

  1. Familial T-lymphocyte dysfunction with severe recurrent infection (white cell dysfunction)
  2. Herpes infection (viral)
  3. Cytomegalovirus infection (viral)
  4. Candidiasis (yeast/fungus)
  5. Parasitic infection (e.g., pneumocystis carinae, cryptosporidiosis, etc.)
  6. Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection refractory to antibiotics
  7. Behcet's syndrome (skin condition/arthritis)
  8. Lupus erythematosus
  9. Pemphigus vegetans (skin disease)
  10. Wiskott-Aldrich Syndrome (immune deficiency disease with decreased blood platelets and skin rash)
  11. Florence Nightingale Disease (aka Chronic Fatigue Immune Dysfunction Syndrome)
  12. Bone metastases after surgical removal of breast cancer
  13. Bone metastases after surgical removal of kidney cancer
  14. Guillian Barre’ (disturbance of two or more nerves, after viral or mycoplasma infection)
  15. Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (Lou Gehrig’s disease; one subset)
  16. Retinitis Pigmentosa (inflammed retina: one subset, 50%; Dialyzable Leucocyte Extract-Transfer Factor -- filtered through a membrane – does not reverse the disease but prevents additional visual loss)

Also reported by Fudenberg and Pizza, but not yet confirmed by others were:

  1. Mycobacterium fortuitum infection (mycoplasma)
  2. Mycobacterium avian infection (mycoplasma)
  3. Alopecia totalis (hair loss over entire body)
  4. Alzheimer's disease (one subset)
  5. Autism (one subset, 70%)
  6. Osteosarcoma (prevented metastases to lungs)
  7. Epidermal dysplasia (multiple skin malignancies)
  8. Certain food and chemical hypersensitivities
  9. Burkitt's lymphoma, etc. (B-cell malignancy)

Reported by other than Fudenberg and Pizza were:

  1. Lepromatous leprosy
  2. Leishmaniasis (parasite affecting skin, nasal cavity and pharnyx)
  3. Rat diabetes (Type I-immunologic) (trials in humans not yet reported, 1993)
  4. Myasthenia gravis (great muscular weakness)
  5. Subacute sclerosing panencephalitis (slow virus disease, affecting thinking and movement)
  6. Atopic dermatitis (skin)
  7. Bronchial asthma (lungs)
  8. Recurrent otitis media (ears)
  9. Varicella (virus)
  10. Hepatitis B -- acute and chronic (virus)
  11. Brucella (bacteria affecting man and other mammals)
  12. Asthma
  13. Nasopharyngeal carcinoma (cancer)
  14. Stomach carcinoma (cancer)
  15. Colon carcinoma (cancer)
  16. Non-small cell lung carcinoma (cancer)
  17. Spontaneous abortions

According to H. Hugh Fudenberg and Pizza, "The potential for bovine colostrum-transfer factor treatment of human diseases is fantastic since one can obtain so much more [transfer factor] extract at little cost." It is found free and in high concentration in colostrum; but can also be obtained from donors with high cell-mediated immunity to known antigens (cloning); or from human placentas, and also spleen from immunized pigs , chickens, eggs, or ducks, or even humans who have a good cellmediated immunity to the relevant antigens.”

Patents obtained by Stolle Milk Biologics International, as well as their present commercial partnership with the New Zealand Diary Board also demonstrates that bovine intramuscular innoculations can result in a whey product containing the desired antibodies and complement.

Chisholm biological Laboratory, Warrenville, SC, following up on Dr. Fudenberg’s research, is also producing excellent antigen specific antibodies and complement.

So, clearly, there are many sources and paths to obtain the desired immunity factors that can be used sublingually or orally.

Early Clinical Trials

In the late sixties, Herbert Struss, Ph.D., working with the Borden Company of New York City, held a FDA IND (Investigate New Drug authority) for studying the use of bovine derived "Specific Serum Protein Capsules." Using 10 strains of Streptococcus, 2 strains of Staphyloccocus and 1 strain of Diplococcus in properly prepared cows, these lyophilized (freeze dried) serum proteins derived from colostrum were prepared in 250 mg capsules, and contained the gamma globulin fraction (protein in blood which helps resist disease) of the antibodies and immunity which enabled seventy percent of the Rheumatoid Arthritis victims to overcome the disease or receive marked benefit, once again demonstrating a close relationship between an infectious microorganism and Rheumatoid Arthritis.

Cyril M. Smith, M.D., conducted a sample survey of 199 persons who used antibodies produced by cows in the treatment of arthritis symptoms. Smith reported that antibodies were successful in 56.8% of cases reported. This improvement occurred within 3 months. (The greatest improvement was noted between the second and fourth weeks. However, in some cases it required more than 6 weeks before a marked improvement was noticed.)

Twenty-three percent who found relief from symptoms while taking antibodies experienced an increase in pain prior to their improvement. This "increase in pain" was most likely the erxheimer Effect as summarized by Dr. Paul K. Pybus.30 The great majority of the persons who experienced pain made marked improvement.

It’s extremely remarkable that such a high percentage of cure rates would occur using only a fraction (Staphyloccocus, Streptococcus, Diplococcus) of the suspected multitudes of microorganisms related to arthritis! Based on presumption of totally different organisms than those used to develop arthritis-specific antibodies and complement, both Roger Wyburn-Mason, M.D., Ph.D. (protozoan) and Thomas McPherson Brown, M.D. (mycoplasma) -- and their practitioner followers – have achieved higher rates of cures, especially when proper diet and consideration for candidiasis and food allergies are also included in the treatment protocols. 41 (See “The Roger Wyburn-Mason, M.D., Ph.D. Treatment for Rheumatoid Disease,” and “Thomas McPherson Brown, M.D. Treatment of Rheumatoid Disease,”

Herxheimer postulated that whenever an organism more complex than a simple bacteria was killed inside the human body, then flu-like symptoms -- the Herxheimer Effect -- occurred. This effect is also called "Lucio's Phenomena" in Leprosy treatment and "The Die-Off Effect" in candidiasis treatment. Some practitioners call it the “Healing Effect.” (See “The Herxheimer Effect,

An extremely brief summary of uses for immune milk follow:

In Animals Uses

  • Bovine . . . extract-transfer factor made against the parasite coccidioides protects not only cows but also mice from an LD 90 dose (the dose necessary to kill 90% of a population). Bovine dialyzable (filtered) leucocyte (white cell) extract devoid of transfer factor has no protective effect;
  • Bovine antigen-specific transfer factor is effective in treatment of human herpes infections;
  • Bovine created for nematodes, Haemonchus contortus, Trichostrongylus axei infections is effective in sheep;
  • Bovine . . . extract, from both lymph nodes and colostrum, against virus and parasitic diseases, have been used in dogs (canine parvovirus), pigs (swine transmissible pharynogeolaryngeotracheitis), chickens (bursal disease, Newcastle's Disease, and other viral diseases);
  • Coccidioides destroys $250 million per year of prize cattle in Texas. Lymph Node Leukocyte (white cell) Extract (with Transfer Factor) can protect cattle against this infection, and also prevents mastitis in cows, and death from infection in newborn calves;
  • Horse dialyzable (filtered) leucocyte (white cell) extract is effective against rheumatism in horses.

In Human Uses

  • Bovine dialyzable (filtered) leucocyte (white cell) extract (with transfer factor) has been given repeatedly to humans without adverse reaction;
  • Eradicated cryptosporidiosis in humans with diarrhea;
  • Coccidioides derived transfer factor, eradicated diarrhea and eliminated ova and parasites from stools;
  • Being used on 6,000,000 people in China to prevent acute and chronic infectious hepatitis;
  • Many other conditions, as previously mentioned.

Colostrum Pitfalls

In most health food stores you’ll find a product called “colostrum” often touted for its ability to “strengthen the immune system.”

It’s quite possible that a particular batch or manufacturer has produced colostrum that has beneficial effects in the strengthening of your immune system. It contains, after all, a multiplicity of important immune “transfer factors” common to all mammals.

And -- it’s even possible that a particular batch of colostrum will favorably affect the course of an allergic reaction to an allergen (pollen-based) or disease from an antigen (microorganism-based).

But -- unless the manufacturer has injected into the cow’s cistern dead microorganisms specific to your disease (or allergens), the expectation of the cow’s naturally derived antibodies and complement matching those that you must have to counteract a particular dysfunction, based on a microorganism, is considerably less than the probability of one powerball ticket winning a $100,000,000 jackpot. Keep in mind that the cow will only have immunity factors related to the antigens to which it has been exposed -- and most modern dairies isolate their cows from most humans, thus preventing the nice, comfy farm ecological relationship once known to man, Bessie, the cow, and her family of farm animal friends.

Then, too, the odds increase further the farther away one is from fresh, unpasteurized, whole colostrum! -- except for a handful of “immune milk” companies who have applied modern technology in preserving most of the active ingredients in a dry powder or liquid form for use by all farm animals.

Yes! Many of these desirable immune factors can be purchased for protection of farm animals, but not for man! Even so, the likelihood of getting the right product for you at the health food store, prepared and preserved in the right way, is so remote as to be inconsequential.

There are exceptions which we’ll mention shortly.

The eighty or so rheumatoid diseases, including rheumatoid arthritis, for example, are caused by many factors among which are nutritional, genetic predisposition, hormonal, and microorganism-based antigen/antibody immuno-complexes which are not easily swept out by a clogged up lymph system. Most standard colostrum preparations for rheumatoid arthritis are based on injections of staphyloccus and streptococcus antigens. We know that many organisms, such as mycoplasms, corneybacteria, klebsiella, candidia and others can be the antigenic stimulation in the human that results in the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis.

On a hit or miss basis, then, if you happen to be a person suffering from a tissue sensitivity to staphylococcus and streptococcus, and you are suffering from an overwhelming invasion of staphylococcus and/or streptococcus, and you happen to buy colostrum containing antibodies and complement resulting from the effects of these two organisms as developed in the cow’s cistern, and the material you’ve purchased is still strong and active, then you might very well respond favorably to this particular colostrum.

But if your arthritis stems from a mycoplasm, corneybacteria, candidia or klebsiella (among many other possible microorganisms), you’re just out of luck. “It didn’t work!” you’d report to your friends, and the overall idea of using colostrum would be invalidated for you and your friends.

So, as you learn about the miracle of colostrum, don’t run out to the health food store and buy colostrum with the expectation of solving your health problems!

There is the need for specificity of allergen or antigen introduced in the right way, at the right time, with colostrum collected and preserved correctly, and administered properly, before this universal vaccine will work for you.

By the way, colostrum prepared and used properly has little to do with whether cow or goat milk is good or bad for you. Indeed, one of the allergies that the right colostrum can solve is that of allergic reactions to milk!

How to Obtain Properly Prepared Colostrum The Simplest Procedure?

Ordinarily the simplest way to obtain the proper antibodies and complement required for your particular medical condition would be to purchase products manufactured by a company that has many years of experience preparing these products. Such products are available for animals from several companies, but -- unfortunately -- by law their specially prepared disease-specific products cannot be sold for human use, only to farmers who wish to protect their animals from disease cheaply and simply. As a matter of fact, the company with the most experience is so terrified of legal involvement and possible bankruptcy from the FDA and U.S. Department of Agriculture that they refuse to permit their name to be used in connection with this or any other article. For purposes of this article they shall be called Farm Products, Inc.

This is very much reminiscent of governmental restrictions on the use of DMSO (dimethylsulfoxide), an inexpensive by-product of paper production that is a very strong antioxidant and can be used to rapidly relieve pain. Any veterinarian supply house has it for sale to farmers for animals, but humans are not supposed to use it except under physician supervision.

Symbiotics, LLC, Sedona, Az, sells colostrum as a nutritional substance guaranteed “to contain a minimum of 30% immunoglobulin content.” Their colostrum is obtained from New Zealand  Dairies and advertised to be from “healthy, pasture-fed, dairy cows that are pesticide, antibiotic and hormone free.” That last, by itself, as compared to milk products produced in the United States, is something of a miracle! I have no knowledge of whether or not this product is more than a good protein product, or if, in fact, it contains valuable antibody/complement nutritional factors.

In an article by Morton Walker, D.P.M. in connection with Symbiotics,46 (quoting a number of investigators), therapeutic components found within colostrum include a wide-range of substances such as immunoglobulins, lactoferrin, proline-rich polypeptides, leukocytes, lysozymes, enzymes, cytokines, glycoproteins and trypsin inhibitors, lymphokines, oligo polysaccharides and glycoconjugate saccharides, and many other substances. This multiplicity of factors helps to neutralize toxins and counters microbial attacks, reduces incidence of cancer and chronic fatigue, regulates the thymus gland while stimulating and regulating immunities and also interferon production to slow viral activities, boosts immune system and T-cell activity, and so on.

According to some investigators, one of whom will be mentioned shortly, not all is yet known about the beneficial actions of colostrum!

Lucky Nina!

Whether or not standard colostrum products sold in farm supply stores -- such as for E. coli – is effective even for animals probably depends upon many factors far beyond the control of the average consumer, such as production method, length of shelf life, bacterial strains used, and so on.

Farm Products’, Inc. standard products for a dairy herd include colostrum preparations against salmonella, staphylococcus, streptococccus, E. Coli, pseudomonas, cornyebacteria, klebsiella-pasteurella, Candida albicans, clostridium, Aerobacter aerogenes, proteus, and chlamydia.

A dietary supplement called Biomune OSF PlusTM contains an extract from colostrum and whey acquired from immunologically stimulated cows. This extract (100 mg) is combined in capsule form with a Chinese herb, Astragalus embranaceus (200 mg), in a base of rice powder. The product was developed by Quantum Research, Inc. a biotech research company that develops nutritional supplements and homeopathic remedies, of Scottsdale, Arizona. The synergistic action of the extract with the Chinese herb helps to stimulate natural killer cell (NK) activity. Stanley Olsztyn, M.D., Jesse Stoff, M.D. and other health professionals have had very good results with this product. In a population of 107 participants (59 females, 48 males, average age 53 years ranging from 17 thru 83) initial killer cell activity was 18 Lytic Units (a measure of killer cell activity) and the final killer cell activity was 246 Lytic Units, an average of 28.556 Lytic units increase per month, or an average of improvement as measured by killer cell activity of 1,267% per month.

By comparison, the average NK cell activity in the U.S. population is 20-50, whereas in a healthy population it is 150-225.

Accompanying this drastic increase in Natural Killer T cell activity were vast improvements in the population of 107 consisting of 50% cancer patients, 30% chronic fatigue syndrome, and the remaining 20% a mixed bag of lupus, allergies, fibromyalgia, blood disorders, hepatitis C, colitis, chronic infections, recurrent infections, autoimmune diseases, and cervical dysplasia/metaplasia.

Average time of treatment was 13.2 months taking from 2 to 8 capsules daily.

It should not be necessary to point out that this is remarkable improvements or remissions of many so-called incurable diseases.

According to Quantum Research, Inc. President David L. Bergsma, no patents were obtained for the whey product component used to stimulate natural killer cell activity, and so their only protection is to maintain their proprietary secret while making their products available as a “dietary supplement” for doctors and lay people.

Former Iowa Congressman Berkley Bedell suffered from Lyme Arthritis disease caused by Borrelia burgdorferi a bacteria from a tick usually found on deer.

Lida Mattman, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus, Department of Biology, Wayne State University, Detroit, Michigan, and author of Cell Wall Deficient Forms: Stealth Pathogens,42 says of ticks: “No state wants to admit they have any Lyme disease. It is bad for tourist trade and therapy is expensive. It is better to let the patient disintegrate into a wheel chair or a mental institution. Actually, this spirochete disease, like the syphilis spirochete disease of the 13th century, has invaded every block of every city in the civilized world. However, unlike syphillis, this [disease] is spread by mosquito, tick, mite, probably household contact, as well as trans-placentally. Like syphilis this disease is the great imitator, attacking joints, heart, brain, etc. We looked at spinal fluid, blood, and synovial fluid of over 500 cases who had symptoms of Lyme [arthritis disease], and found the spirochete of the same genus, in most patients.”

About 10% of Lyme Arthritis victims do not get well by traditional medical treatments, and Congressman Bedell was one of those. Bedell2 says, "I left Congress because I came down with Lyme Disease which I contracted while fishing at Quantico Marine Base, and which conventional treatment failed to relieve. After three series of heavy antibiotics infused into my veins over a period of two years, I finally turned to unconventional treatment. My symptoms disappeared and today I am clearly free of Lyme Disease.

"Let me tell you about that treatment. There is a company in our own state of Iowa, Mr. Chairman, that produces a product for livestock by injecting killed germs into the udder of a cow prior to the time the cow has a calf. When the cow has the calf they then take the first milk that the cow gives, which is called colostrum, and process it into whey so that it will keep.

"The theory is that the cow will communicate the disease to the unborn calf, and will develop the antibodies, or whatever, in the colostrum to protect the newly-born calf from that disease.

"After I took a teaspoon of this whey every 1-1/2 hours for a few weeks, my symptoms of Lyme [Arthritis Disease] disappeared, and I no longer suffer from that disease. Because of the publicity of my case, I get frequent phone calls from desperate people who have been unable to get relief from Lyme [Arthritis Disease] with conventional treatment. It breaks my heart that I cannot tell them about my treatment, because no one has been willing to spend the millions and millions of dollars necessary to get FDA approval to market this special whey. I can tell you it cured what appeared to be arthritis in my knee in 15 minutes."

"I have talked to a doctor in Wisconsin who was using this material. He claims 80-90% success in treating patients like me for whom conventional treatments have not been effective. He has now been advised by the Iowa producer that the material will no longer be available because the producer is afraid of the FDA."

It could have been added that the U.S. Department of Agriculture can also act as a strong determent, preventing crossing the line from animals to humans.

We hope and pray for a much more mature Department of Agriculture and FDA who will grant permission to renew studies on the use of this already well-developed technology. These products especially prepared for maintaining the health of farm mammals should be easily available for us, too. After all, we’re also mammals, and deserve equal consideration!

A Second Possibility is to Bootleg the Treatment

Herb Saunders, the dairy farmer who cured Congressman Bedell when no licensed physician had been able to do so, was prosecuted on the report of the FDA in St. James, Minnesota by the state prosecuting attorney for practicing medicine without a license.

Saunders had been treating -- and curing – humans of a wide variety of diseases for many years, including cancer. For the most part, he used standard products prepared for treatment of cattle, and, when necessary, he used (dead) microorganisms (such as Borrelia burgdorfi bacteria) passed through the cow’s cistern prior to collecting the colostrum.

When all else failed, he’d pass human blood from the sick person through the cow’s cistern. Each person’s blood contains a wide variety of microorganisms -- especially when sick -- that are unknown, or unacknowledged by most physicians, but are recognized and acknowledged by the cow.

The colostrum thus obtained for the next 10 days was fed back to the sick person just as would be the standardized products made for the use and health of cattle.

According to immune milk pioneer, Herb Struss, Ph.D., colostrum obtained by injecting whole human blood into the cow’s cistern does not produce auto-immune reactions to one’s own blood. “It’s one of the first things we checked,” Struss says.

Herb Saunders was selling bovine colostrum ("first milk") as a potential cure for cancer. "Saunders would sell each patient a cow for $2,500, but keep the cow on his farm. He would inject a sample of each patient's blood into the cow's udder [cistern], and then sell the colostrum to the cow's owner for $35 a bottle. Saunders told an undercover state agent who posed as a cancer patient that he would 'cough out' his cancer within months if he would take colostrum, [and to] refrain from chemotherapy.

"After two weeks of [court] trial -- the longest this small community had ever seen -- the result was a hung jury. The 6-person jury voted 5-1 to convict, but the last holdout, a part-time social studies teacher, apparently couldn't decide whether Saunders was practicing medicine without a license or offering an alternative type of care that is not medical practice."

Former Congressman Berkley Bedell provided $21,000 for Saunders' expenses. Attorney Calvin Johnson’s services were free.

Reported by attorney Calvin Johnson, Herb Saunders' second trial once again resulted in a hung jury, reportedly more hung than the first one, with 3 jurors resisting indictment. The district attorney dismissed the case on May 30, 1996, and will not retry Saunders -- at least for the time being!

Sanders approach seems to be well substantiated by the work of many scientists over a period of more than 40 years.

By this second approach, it’s up to you to find dairymen, and to convince them to risk prosecution as they secretly treat you. If blood is to be drawn from you, it should be injected into the cow’s cistern immediately on being drawn from your arm at least once a week for four weeks before the calf is born.

Left to right: Harry A. Willett, D.C., Executive Vice President and David L. Bergsma, C.P.A., President of Quantum Research, Inc., Scottsdale, Arizona. David Bergsma started Quantum Research, Inc. after beneficial results from use of specially extracted whey products for his chronic fatigue syndrome. Photo taken Scottsdale, Arizona, April 1999.

Because of Congressman Bedell’s success with colostrum treatment against Lyme Arthritis disease, and from other non-standard medical treatments, he and Iowa Senator Tom Harkin convinced the U.S. Congress to establish an Office of Alternative Medicine under the National Institute of Health. This Office has now been upgraded to a Center by Senators Tom Harkin and Arlen Specter, and Representative Peter DeFazio.
The Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine will have the ability to hire its own staff, determine its advisory panels, and make research grants involving non-traditional medicine, hopefully to finally shake the damaging drug addiction foisted on the American public by the present medical paradigm. Photo taken 1998, Spirit Lake, Iowa.

Dairy farmer Herb Saunders, Odin, Minnesota, prosecuted for practicing medicine without a license, was twice freed by a grand jury. Saunders has treated and cured by means of immune milk a large number of diseases, including most of the major ones named in this article. Photo taken Odin, Minnesota, 1998.

Attorney Calvin Johnson, Mankato, Minnesota, without charge defended Herbert Saunders before a grand jury twice against the charge of practicing medicine without a license, and won! Calvin is a staunch supporter of the use of immune milk. Photo taken Mankato, Minnesota, 1998.

Buy Your Own Cow or Goat

While not at all advising that the law be broken, in answer to the technical questions of how immune milk is obtained, Herbert Struss, Ph.D. suggests that a “springing heifer” be used to prepare the right colostrum for you. A “springing heifer” is a cow that has not given birth to prior calves.

He reports that immune milk is obtained by innoculating into the cistern with the use of a 20 ml syringe -- about 5 milliliters of the antigenic or allergenic material is passed through each of the four teats with a cannula (specially designed reed or tube) at weekly intervals, one month before the calf’s birth.

He also reports that those who must use human blood (for cancer, for example) as their antigenic material take about 10 milliliters from the human which is then distributed at 2-1/2 milliliters to each teat, or bovine gland, immediately.

Ten days of milking, at most, is usable, although the first 24-48 hours of pre-milk produced from the cow’s mammary gland after birth is usually defined as “colostrum.”

According to Philip Derse of Derse & Schroeder Associates, modern technology permits extracting many of the active transfer factors from whole milk, long after the colostrum phase.

But we’re speaking here of do-it-yourself methods!

After reading this foundation’s first report on the good effects of immune milk, one retired dairy farmer purchased a milk cow and injected his daughter’s blood into the cistern, eventually collecting the colostrum. His daughter suffered miserably from Epstein Barr Virus. Within 3 months of sipping on the colostrum, his daughter was at last well.

One lady reported that, after being treated by Herb Saunders for Multiple Sclerosis, she’s had no attack for more than 2 years! She also told me of a Multiple Sclerosis support group in North Dakota that chooses not to be identified, as they have their own dairy herd, and have been treating themselves.

Early virological and immunological studies have suggested that Multiple Sclerosis is an autoimmune disease triggered by a German Measles viral infection, also used to prepare the colostrum.

This Christmas (1998) I spent watching the application of specifically prepared antigen/complement materials from bovine colostrum, the cow's first milk on calving.

What I personally observed was a kind of Christmas miracle. Nowhere had I previously read or heard of Psoriasis being related to staphylococcus. Here's what I observed:

A patient had gross, raised blotches of skin Psoriasis that would not heal no matter what treatments were tried.

A liquid preparation of colostrum staphylococcus antibody/complement was taken orally, 1 teaspoon each hour, and a cotton ball was also used to wipe the mixture on the Psoriasis blotches. The wiping on of the liquid was done every time itching occurred, and also occasionally throughout the next days. Also the oral treatment of the liquid was continued each hour.

Within minutes (literally) of the first wiping the blotches began to disappear. Within a day, all blotches were reduced in size. Within two days, only the longest standing, and grossest blotches remained, though greatly diminished.

Finally, all marks were gone!

What a great Christmas present for the patient!

One doctor called The Arthritis Trust of America and asked what was available for treating Lyme Arthritis disease.

Of course, Berkley Bedell’s experience was quoted, and the doctor was advised that first s/he’d need a milk cow. Surprisingly, s/he answered that she had room for a milk cow at her farm.

Then s/he was told s/he’d need some dead Borrelia burgdorfi bacteria. Surprisingly again, s/he said she had this microorganism in her/his laboratory.

So here’s another way: With others, or alone, buy a cow or nanny goat, get it pregnant, and do your own treatment!

Philip Derse of Derse & Schroeder Associates, Madison,Wisconsin, studied and identified much of the nature of immune milk colostrum and transfer factors over a period of 30 years. Photo taken Madison, Wisconsin, 1998.

In a 1984 study reported in Medical Microbiology and Immunology19 IgA-rich cow colostrum containing anti-measles lactoglobulin resistant proteases was orally administered to patients with multiple sclerosis. Measles-positive antibody colostrum was orally administered every morning to 15 patients with multiple sclerosis at a daily dosage of 100 ml for 30 days. Similarly, measles-negative antibody control colostrum (< 8) was orally administered to 5 patients. Of 7 anti-measles colostrum recipients, 5 patients improved and 2 remained unchanged. Of 5 negative (< 8) recipients, 2 patients remained unchanged and 3 worsened. These findings suggested the efficacy of orally administered anti-measles colostrum in improving the condition of multiple sclerosis patients (P < 0.05).

The Proper Way

The Proper Way

Doctors who treat tuberculosis patients are very aware of antibiotic-resistant tubercule mycoplasms on the swift rise. They could well consider for this and other diseases or allergies requesting the FDA’s permission to run a double-blind study using specially prepared colostrum.

“Double-blind” means that neither the patient or the doctor will know which one is receiving the presumably active ingredient, and which one is receiving the placebo, the inactive ingredient, until the study is completely run and ready for analysis.

Here’s what’s involved:

  1. The doctor must prepare a research plan of action, a study proposal.
  2. The study proposal, with all attached research references, must be submitted to an Institutional Review Board for review and approval. Usually, but not always, the Institutional Review Board is attached to a medical school.
  3. If the study raises objections, it must be modified. When approved, it is then submitted to the FDA, spelling out exactly what’s to be done, how the research is to be evaluated, and how the product is to be tested and how the placebo product will be prepared, labelled and used.
  4. If approved by the FDA, the study is given an IND number, which means “Investigate New Drug number.”
  5. The study is then carried out, and final reports written for FDA review as well as for publication, if possible.

This sounds like a simple, straight forward procedure, but, considering the danger that is posed to the pharmaceutical industry, where specially prepared cow’s colostrum is effectively producing cures while much touted and damaging pharmaceuticals are not, there will be many pitfalls placed between the honest doctor and final permission.

It is also a very expensive process, but probably would be nowhere near the expense of bringing in a new and unknown drug -- providing the FDA plays square with you.

When Herbert Struss, Ph.D. obtained permission from the FDA to use these products on  rheumatic fever, rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis and allergies in the early ‘60s, progress in patient wellness was quite obvious at different medical centers.

Dr. Struss was visited by FDA officials who, without adequate explanation, ordered him to cease and desist. He refused, explaining that their agency had granted him an IND -- permission to conduct clinical studies.

His next FDA visitors were from higher up administrators who warned him that if he didn’t stop his studies, they’d put him in jail.

Having children and a wife to support, Dr. Struss bowed to governmental suppression, and did no further work on this amazing healing product throughout the remainder of his life.

Perhaps the intervening 30 or so years have mellowed the FDA! Growing influence of the new Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine under the National Institute of Health will provide an umbrella for submission of studies of immune milk on humans. Also, many prestigious medical schools are rapidly installing complementary alternative medicine courses and/or departments, and these are beginning to have influence on the politics of what should or should not be scientifically studied.

The Structural Research Center, Mobile, Alabama, headed by Walter Wilburn, Ph.D., has successfully accomplished the production of Lyme Arthritis antigen-specific immune milk from one of his certified scrappies-free goats. Using the methods of Stolle developed patents for innoculating specific antigens in chickens, eggs have also been produced which are sold under contract to the U.S. Army for incorporation in Army K-Rations.

Using Dr. Fudenberg’s research, Chisholm Biological Laboratory, 542 Legion Road, Warrenville, SC 29851, (8-3) 663-9618/9777, developed a number of antigen specific immune factors, for physician use, including, but not limited to: HIV, Pneumocystic carinii, Human tuberculosis, Borrelia burgdorferi (Lyme Arthritis), Bovine Tuberculosis, Babesia, Ehrlichia, Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV), Chlamydia pneumoniae, Cytomegalovirus (CMV), Staphylococci, E. Coli, Herpes 1, Herpes 2, Human herpes virus 6 (HHV6), Candida albicans, Cryptosporosis, varicella zoster, and Mycobacterium avian.

A Homeopathic Approach

The preparation of these homeopathic remedies is begun by using the colostrum from specially prepared allergens or antigens as a “mother.”

Homeopathic remedies are prepared by and can be purchased from Beaumont Bio-Med, PO Box 6, Waukon, Iowa 52172. Ingredients for “rheumatism” for example, includes Rhus tox (poison ivy) 12X, Causticum (potassium hydrate) 12X, Lac vaccinum (cow’s milk) 30X, in a base of lactose, 20% alcohol and distilled water. A 2 fluid ounce bottle lasts about 2 months. Properly prepared colostrum, of course, is the basis for the “cow’s milk” ingredient. The milk products used are defined in the Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia of the United States.

Additional homeopathic remedies prepared in the same manner include preparations made from specific microorganisms for cold and flu, sore throat, fever and inflammation, stomach ache, skin, acne and muscle and joint pain.

Among those patents filed and dated from 1945 to 1992 are found some exemplary studies related to animals using homeopathic remedies. (See Reference 44 for tables from early patents.)

Groups of four mouse test subjects, using deadily Pseudomonas aurogenosa challenges were conducted using test categories of water, colostrum and milk as the raw materials. A first mother was prepared from the first cow’s colostrum and also used to to produce a second mother by passing the first mother’s colostrum into the cistern of a second cow, after which homeopathic remedies were prepared from the second mother derived from the second cow at 3X and 6X potencies.

In the first table described in the patent, mouse survival was higher for 6X than for 3X for both colostrum and milk mother sources, but surprisingly, even higher results were obtained when both the 3X or 6X potency quantities administered were cut by one half or one quarter in both colostrum and milk, resulting in nearly 100% mouse survival rate, in most cases! This surprises me, but would not have surprised Hahneman, founder of homeopathy who stated two principles: (1) the more dilute, the stronger the homeopathic effects; (2) the less used, the stronger the effects.

A second study (replicated) gave similar results.

One hundred and thirty cows having udder congestion and/or abnormal milk contributed milk samples. Staphylococcus aureus, a Streptoccus agalactiae, g-Streptococcus agalactiae, and E. Coli were collected and used to make a first homeopathic mother from a healthy cow.

Homeopathic material was prepared to the 6X potency, whence these were bottled under 50 ml sterile conditions, of which ten 50 cc bottles were sent to the veterinarian.

"Each month the cows in a herd having high cell counts (disease indicator) are listed on the owners required report (DH1A) for treatment. The high [bacteria] cell count cows in the herd were treated with 2-4 cc (ml) doses of the homeopathic product orally in their feed at twelve-hour intervals with the results shown in the third table in the patent."

In the third table, results showed that in most cases, a High Somatic Cell Count (SCC) of greater than 1,000,000 reduced to less than 200,000 within two weeks of treatment.

A similar study was performed, with similar results, using the cow's colostrum instead of milk.

Quantum Research, Inc. has also developed homeopathic remedies. Through Matol Botanical International, Ltd. [1111, 46e Avenue, Lachine (Quebec) Canada, H8T 3C5] a Bioimmune OSFTM Express nasal spray product can be obtained “for acute symptoms associated with the common cold, influenza, sinusitis, otitis media and other similar conditions.” It’s active ingredients include silica 22X, silver nitrate 21X, belladonna ex. herbal 15X. It’s inert ingredients are “filtered water, proprietary extract of whey permeate, 2-deoxy-d-glucose, eucalyptus oil, benzalkonium chloride and therimosal (as preservatives), disodium EDTA (as stabilizer), sodium hydroxide.)

A “mother” is the initial brew or dissolved substance that is the “active ingredient” used to make homeopathic remedies.  A 1X homeopathic remedy is 1 volume of mother to 9 parts of distilled water; 2X is 1 volume of the 1X solution to 9 parts of water (or 1 of the mother to 99 of water), 3X is 1 volume of 2X solution to 9 parts of water (or 1 of mother to 999 parts of water) and so on, until the mother has been diluted 1 part mother to 999,999 parts of water to achieve a 6X dilution.

The Vaccination Process

Zoltan Rona, M.D., in Nature’s Impact, says, “At one time, conventional medical doctors were enthusiastic about using colostrum as an antibiotic. This occurred prior to the introduction of sulfa drugs and penicillin. In the 1950s, before the wide-scale use of corticosteroids as anti-inflammatory agents, colostrum was used to treat rheumatoid arthritis. Dr. Albert Sabin, developer of the polio vaccine, discovered that colostrum contained anti-bodies against polio; he recommended it for children susceptible to catching the disease. For thousands of years, Ayurvedic physicians have used bovine colostrum for medicinal purposes.” (For a second very effective pre-antiobiotic approach, see Three Years of HCl Therapy,”

When vaccination against microorganisms or pollens takes place, antigens or allergens are introduced into the human body. The object is to induce the body to produce vast quantities of antibodies which, presumably, result in (memory cell) protection against antigens or allergens.

According to Harold Buttram, M.D. and Richard Piccola, MHA, (Our Toxic World: Who is Looking After Our Kids? see, vaccinations over-challenge small infants, depress the immune system, transfer into our bodies undesirable viruses including additional damaging contamination, disturb brain and nervous tissue, interfere with natural immunity-developing processes, bring about death or disability in some, and are probably responsible for chronic fatigue immune dysfunction syndrome as well as some other degenerative diseases.

This grand concept makes sense only if (1) there is a cheap source for antigen-specific antibodies and complement, and (2) the developed antigen-specific antibodies and complement are identical to that of humans.

The antibodies, complement and other transfer factors produced via other mammals, such as cows or goats, are low in cost and indeed identical to that of humans, as has been repeatedly demonstrated over more than 50 years of research.

While it is considered optimum to use raw colostrum properly prepared -- the farther from raw colostrum during handling and treatment, the more opportunity to damage or weaken the disease-specific components, according to Herbert Struss, Ph.D. -- the active transfer factors can be very carefully Pasteurized and freeze-dried (lyophilized). During Philip Derse’s past thirty years or so of research (Derse & Schroeder Associates), he learned that the active components can also be obtained from milk produced by specifically challenged cows, when the milk is properly processed. This discovery increases by vast amounts the available active ingredients from specifically challenged cows, and therefore lowers cost further.

Finally, the active products can be made to go farther and lower costs even further if the active ingredients are rendered into homeopathic remedies having specificity for given microorganisms – or allergen-based diseases. This writer must confess, however, that while numerous scientific studies support the use of homeopathic remedies, he has never personally witnessed healing results, and therefore have not garnered a great deal of confidence in the use of homeopathically prepared immune milk.

Apparently cows and rats are not as biased!

If the end object of vaccination with the use of antigens and allergens is to bring about production of antibodies and cooperating complement -- protective transfer-of-immunity factors (called “transfer factors”) -- when under attack by the microorganism or allergen, then why not introduce the antibodies and complement and other transfer factors directly, thus saving money, time, energy, and health, especially to that of immature immune systems, such as babies?

According to Fudenberg and Pizza, the FDA "approved" bovine Transfer Factor for human use again in 1985 and bovine colostrum in 1980.
Also according to Fudenberg and Pizza, two federal courts (one a Medicare court in a suburb of Washington and the other a health and human services court in San Francisco) ruled in 1987 that in diseases where no prescription medicine exists Transfer Factor preparations are not experimental and furthermore ruled that insurance companies must reimburse the patients for the cost of Transfer Factor preparation.

Stolle Milk Biologics International

Beck and Zimmerman,38 divide the history of immune milk discoveries into two general eras:

(1) The Peterson Era (1950-1958) where Drs. “Pete” Peterson, Barry Campbell, and colleagues at the University of Minnesota used killed bacterial antigens injected into the teat of a cow, and collected the first ten days’ colostrum, as, after the tenth day milk antibodies were almost entirely absent for immunization purposes.

“Peterson’s interest in human diseases was concentrated on rheumatoid arthritis and allergies. ...”

Peterson’s work, and its acceptance by the scientific community, was greatly limited by the state of knowledge of immunology of the times, according to Dr. Beck.

Impro Products of Waukon, Iowa received licenses from Peterson, and went on to file some of the early patents, also supplying to this day a variety of products for use as a veterinary product.

(2) The Stolle Era (1958 to present) began with Ralph Stolle, businessman and owner-operator of the SanMarGale Farm in Lebanon, Ohio.

Ralph Stolle was a businessman with far-reaching vision, who built his financial empire upon innovation, and who was drawn to the concept of immune milk by the work being performed by Dr. Peterson and colleagues.

Stolle early concluded that the Peterson method of introducing antigens through the bovine’s teats had commercial drawbacks, and he set out to develop new methods that would permit system-wide standardization of the vaccination of antigens, separation of antibodies and other transfer factors, their safe storage and later use by humans.

That Stolle Biologics International and their team of scientists -- Lee R. Beck, Ph.D., President, Daniel A. Gingerich, D.V.M., M.S., Peter Fuhrer, Ph.D., Director of Biochemistry, Robert Stohrer, Ph.D., Associate Director Biotechnology Division, and others -- were successful is testified to by the more than 300 patents granted to Stolle Biological. These patents cover methods of production and composition of immune milk, isolation of anti-inflammatory factors, methods for treating vascular and pulmonary systems, prevention and treatment of arthritis, treating protozoal gastrointestinal disorders, production of immune suppressive product, passive immunization of mammals using avian and/or bovine antibodies, antibodies derived from bovid milk and avian egg, general mammal immunization, dental caries inhibiting products, deodorants containing antibacterial antibodies, longevity factors, prevention of suppression of t-lymphocyte functions, protein antibodies derived from bovid serum, and use of honey as a vaccine.

These patents were filed and granted in the United States as well as in many foreign countries and, indeed, Stolle also formed a limited partnership with the New Zealand Dairy Board, where uncontaminated milk reigns supreme.

Using Stolle technology, the New Zealand Dairy Board innoculates cows with a wide range of standardized bacterial antigens, and, without interruption of the flow of milk and milk products, produces a dried, standardized, Pasteurized whey substance that is then packaged and sold in Taiwan, Japan, Korea, New Zealand, and Hong Kong, with plans to broadened nutrient supplement sales in other countries, as well as to increase the range of protective substances and their means of delivery.

Ralph J. Stolle Companies at 6954 Cornell Road, Blue Ash, Ohio: Stolle R & D Corp., Stolle Milk Biologics, Intl., Stolle Health & Nutrition; Stolle Egg Biologics, Intl. With more than 300 patents to their credit, mostly in the field of milk biologics, the Stolle scientific team and their laboratories form a scientific “mother load” for immune milk discoveries. Photos taken Blue Ash, Ohio, 1998.

Lee R. Beck, Ph.D. has 26 years of research and business experience in the field of milk biologics. His earliest work was as Director of Reproductive Research at the University of Alabama, Birmingham Medical School, directing a staff of 15 scientists, and where he was a pioneer in the field of controlled drug delivery. Dr. Beck worked as a consultant to the Stolle Research & Development Corporation from 1972 to 1985, also working with Mr. Ralph Stolle to manage and build Stolle’s research laboratory becoming Executive Vice President and Director of Research for Stolle R & D in 1985. He became President of Stolle Milk Biologics International in 1995 when Stolle R & D and the New Zealand Dairy Board formed the Stolle Milk Biologics International venture. Photo taken Blue Ash, Ohio, 1998.

Method Used by Stolle Milk Biologics and New Zealand Dairy Board to Produce Nutrient Substances Containing Large Quantities of Antibodies and Anti-Inflammatory Factors for Human Use

Cows are innoculated using standardized vaccines containing known antibodies. The cream is drawn from the milk from which ice cream and butter are made. Skim milk is then processed further by addition of rennet to produce casein, cheese and whey.

Whey is further separated by ultrafiltration into “Whey Protein Concentrate” (containing high molecular weight proteins and IgG antibodies) and “permeate” (containing low molecular weight proteins and anti-inflammatory factors).

The permeate is run through an ion exchange column washed with 0.15 Moles NaCl, then freeze dried.

Permeate and antibodies are combined together after removing the lactose from the permeate, producing “Whey Protein Isolate,” a product that is spray dried and sold as a commercial product.

Numerous research studies clearly show that the Stolle products have desirable impact on strengthening the immune system, but, of course, none are aimed at solving a specific disease condition, such as Lyme arthritis disease, surely the next great commercial step in the immune history saga.

In a trip to New Zeland (1999), Herbert Struss, Ph.D. reports that two kinds of colostrum are produced, disease specific and non-specific colostrum.

As described in “Reporting on a Collagen-Induced Arthritis Model in Mice” by Japan Rheumatism Association, Tokyo, Japan, December 13, 1997, “S100” was the designation for specially prepared milk to be tested. In the study referenced by the Japanese Rheumatism association, using double-blind procedures, arthritis scores were highest in the control group, with arthritis symptoms significantly reduced (p<0,05) in all immune milk groups. Information and sketches obtained from Stolle Milk Biologics International, Blue Ash, OH.

Dr. Struss reports that a method other than rennet was used by original researchers. This was glacial acetic acid. They found that the agglutinating titers were higher than when using rennet, which is a proteolytic enzyme. This resulted in a larger quantity of specific antibodies and complement. When using only rennet, the casein had to be washed out or dissolved to obtain its entrapped antibodies/complements.

Background and Summary Partial List of Publications, Studies and Patents


Except for an abandoned patent petition number 628,987, filed October 25, 1945, by August Holm (Merck Chemicals sponsor), the original work on development of cows'-milk vaccine, called "Immune Milk," was performed at the University of Minnesota, School of Biochemistry, under the direction of the patent assignees. (Porter: Biological Abstracts 1953, p. 951, par. 10, 185). In August, 1951, Dr. Porter, then "working on his doctoral thesis, suggested the possibility of manufacturing antibodies in the cow's udder by infusion of antigen into the udder of a lactating cow."

The earliest patent seems to be that of patent number 587,849, December 1, 1959 in Canada by William E. Petersen of St. Paul, Minnesota and Berry Campbell of Monrovia, California.

The International Association on Immunity was founded in 1963 by Herbert Struss, Ph.D., William E. Peterson, Ph.D., and Robert Meade. That Association published three issues of Journal of Immune Milk. In the first journal Campbell and Peterson summarized "The Current Picture," a resume of the history of knowledge of immunity up through 1961; and that issue, as well as the two following, published patents found in footnotes, as well as articles by others. Intent was, according to Dr. Struss,31 also editor of the Journal, to follow up with an issue on Russian research as well as that on viruses by Dr. Mitchell, D.V.M., Ph.D. in Canada.

Dr. Mitchell had performed almost identical work to that of Dr. Peterson but on viruses, especially Newcastle's disease, and, according to Dr. Struss,31 his work was "just fantastic." Herbert Struss, Ph.D.31 published "Immune Milk Treatment of Rheumatoid Arthritis -- Review" June 1964.

Arthur E. Dracy published "Immune Milk in the Treatment of Poison Ivy" June 1965.

Herbert Struss published "A History of the Use of Immune Milk in the Treatment of Fall Pollenosis" in June 1965.

On April 2, 1968, patent number 3,376,198,6 "Method of Producing Antibodies in Milk," was granted to William E. Petersen, St. Paul, Minnesota and Berry Campbell, Monrovia, California, assigned to Collins Products, Inc., Waukon, Iowa.

Gregory B. Wilson and Gary V. Paddock, both of Mount Pleasant, North Carolina, were granted patent number 4,816,563, "Process for Obtaining Transfer Factor from colostrum, Transfer Factor So Obtained and Use Thereof," March 28, 1989.

Robert A. Collins and Philip F. Weighner of Waukon, Iowa, were granted patent number 4,843,065 June 27, 1989 for "Method of Producing Products for Use in the Treatment of Bacterial and/or Virus Infections."

Robert A. Collins of Waukon, Iowa was granted patent number 5,102,669; April 7, 1992 for "Method of Producing Remedies and Products of the Method."

Giancarlo Pizza, Caterina De Vinic and H. Hugh Fudenberg published "Transfer Factor in Malignancy," Progress in Drug Research, Vol. 42, in 1993. This was a joint paper by S. Orsola-Malpighi Hospital, Bologna, Italy, and NeuroImmuno Therpeutics Research Foundation, Spartanburg, South Carolina.

  1. Hugh Fudenberg, Ph.D. and Giancarlo Pizza, Ph.D. have summarized a great deal of their own original research, "Transfer Factor 1993: New Frontiers" in Progress in Drug Research, Vol. 42 on behalf of the NeuroImmuno Therapeutics Research Foundation, Spartanburg, South Carolina. Therein it is concluded that bovine colostrum milk is almost the ideal source for obtaining protective factor.

In 1994, H. Hugh Fudenberg, Ph.D. published "Heterogeneity of Alzheimer's Disease: An Interpretive Review, in Molecular Neurobiology" in Human Press, Inc.

Additional Scientific Studies

Cured or protected according to referenced patents were mice, cows, goats, chickens and pigs.

Covered by Complement Patents: For allergy prevention, one can use a mixture of hair (cats, dogs, cattle), making a vaccine. (Many milk-producing farmers become allergic to cow's hair.) Other allergens, such as pollens, can also be introduced, such that many other allergies can be beneficially affected.

Covered by Complement Patents: It's also good for chickenpox, cold sores, genital herpes, Cryptocides sporidium, and for anti-inflammatory conditions, as it is heavy with complement and anticomplement (C3B), substances that assist in the destruction of invasive organisms.

Covered by Complement Factors: It is currently being used for treatment against candidiasis.

Covered by Complement Factors: Early work using the described principle for Rheumatoid Arthritis involved dead staphylococcus and streptococcus organisms injected as antigens into the cow's cistern. The successful results strongly support the theory of an infectious character of Rheumatoid Arthritis. As many forms of Rheumatoid Diseases and related diseases seem to have an infectious and/or allergenic component, such as ankylosing spondilitis, candidiasis, Crohn's disease, fibrositis, fibromyalgia, food allergies, rhinitis, and so on, this form of protection may be all-inclusive, inexpensive, and all-important.

Complement Factors: According to one spokesperson,6 "The homeopathic remedy derived from this process has been found useful for various forms of arthritis.

Beta-lactoGlobulin: In work supported by the National Institutes of Health and by Philip Morris Cos.,11 "A modified version of a protein extracted from whey blocked the AIDS virus from infecting cells in the test tube," according to Dr. Robert Neurath, head of the laboratory of Biochemical Virology at the Lindsley F. Kimball Research Institute of the New York Blood Center.

"Scientists modified a whey protein called beta-lactoglobulin to produce a substance called B69, which they discovered latched onto a protein structure called CD4 on the surface of cells." This prevented the AIDS virus from using CD4 as an entryway into the cells.

Dr. Jeffrey Laurence, an AIDS researcher at Cornell Medical College in New York, cautioned that HIV can infect some cells without using the CD4 gateway.


  1. Charles A. Janeway, Jr., M.D., "How the Immune System Recognizes Invaders," Scientific American, September 1993, p. 73.
  2. Congressman Berkely Bedell, "Bedell Testifies Before U.S., Senate," Townsend Letter for Doctors, 911 Tyler St., Port Townsend, WA, 98368-6541, December 1993, p. 1229.
  3. Personal letter from Berkley Bedell July 18, 1994; also personal interview.
  4. "Picking Out the Lymes From the Lemons," Townsend Letter for Doctors, 911 Tyler St., Port Townsend, WA. 98368-6541, May 1993, p. 408; reprint from Science News.
  5. "Minnesota Milk-Cure Case Ends with Mistrial," Townsend Letter for Doctors, 911 Tyler St., Port Townsend, Washington, 98368-6541, August/September 1995, p. 81; from Minneapolis Star Tribune, 3/16/95.
  6. Personal interview with, and correspondence from a scientist who chooses not to be identfied.
  7. See Gus J. Prosch, Jr., M.D., “Candidiasis: Scourge of Arthritics,” 1994, see
  8. Stephen Tobin, D.V.M., "Lyme Disease," Townsend Letter for Doctors, 911 Tyler St., Port Townsend, WA, 98368-6541, January 1993, p. 63.
  9. See Fred S. Kantor, "Disarming Lyme Disease," Scientific American, 415 Madison Avenue, New York, NY 10017-1111, September 1994, p. 34.
  10. Pearl Atkin, R.N., M.A., CS, "My Experience With Lyme Disease," Townsend Letter for Doctors, 911 Tyler St., Port Townsend, WA, 98368-6541, November 1992, p. 997.
  11. Malcolm Ritter, "Whey Could Prevent HIV Infection," Wisconsin State Journal, January 31, 1996, quoting the February Nature Medicine.
  12. Pearl Atkin, R.N., M.A., CS, "Treatment of Lyme Disease," Townsend Letter for Doctors, 911 Tyler St., Port Townsend, WA, 98368-6541., December 1993, p. 1220.
  13. Burton Goldberg Group, Alternative Medicine: The Definitive Guide, Celestial Arts, PO Box 7123, Berkeley, CA 94707.
  14. "Malaria Therapy: A Cure for Cancer and Aids?" Journal of Longevity Research, Vol.1/No.2, December 1994, p. 8.
  15. Anthony di Fabio, “Lyme Disease: Arthritis by Infection,” The Art of Getting, 1994, , see
  16. Textbook of Internal Medicine, J.B. Lippincott Company, East Washington Square, Philadelphia, PA 19105, 1989.
  17. Personal communication with Herbert Saunders, Calvin Johnson, Atty. Bob Collins, Paul Weighner, MS patient, Herbert Struss, Ph.D., Diane Miller, Atty,
  18. From references quoted in Patent 4,816,563, March 28, 1989.
  19. T. Ebina, et. al., Med Microbiol Immunol, Springer-Verlag, 173:87-93, 1984.
  20. Berry Campbell, William E. Petersen, "Immune Milk," Journal of Immune Milk, Volume 1, Number 1, International Association on Immunity, 2651 University Avenue, St. Paul, Minnesota, p.3, June 1964.
  21. E. Petersen, "Immunity From Milk," Ibid, p. 29.
  22. B. Sekla, E. Holeckova, "Diathelic Immunization of Sheep Against a Rat Cancer," Journal of Immune Milk, Volume 1, Number 2, Op.Cit., December 1964; Reprinted from Nature, Vol. 185, February 27, 1960, p. 618-619.
  23. Herbert E. Struss, "Immune Milk Treatment of Rheumatoid Arthritis -- Review," Ibid, p. 23.
  24. R.M. Porter, Ph.D., "The Protective Milk Concept," Certified Milk, Volume 35, No. 3, Certified Milk Magazine, 405 Lexington Ave., New York, NY, May-June 1960, p. 6.
  25. H. Hugh Fudenberg and Giancarlo Pizza, "Transfer Factor 1993: New Frontiers," Progress in Drug Research, Vol. 42, Birkhauser Verlag Basel (Switzerland), 1994. From, F.F.A.P. Miller: "Immunologic Significance of the Thymus in Adult Mouse." Nature 195, 1318 (1962).
  26. Ibid; From H.S. Lawrence: "The Transfer in Humans of Delayed Skin Sensitivity to Streptococcal M Substance and to Tuberculin with Disrupted Leukocytes," J. Clin. Invest. 34, 219 (1955).
  27. Ibid; Also from H.H. Fudenberg and H. L. Fudenberg: Past, Present, and Future in Annual Review of Pharmacology and Toxicology, p. 475-516, ed. E. Jucker, Birkauser Verlag; Basel, Switzerland (1989).
  28. Ibid; Also Peng, Li-yi, Yang Dao-li, QiFa-lian, Jia Bo-sen, Wang Bao-cheng Due Gung-zu: "Efficiency and Immunological Function Observation on 100 Cases Malignant tumor Treated with Dialyzable Placenta Extracts" in Recent Advances in Transfer Factor and Dialyzable Leucocyte Extracts, p. 354-5, ed. T. Fujisawa, S., Sasakawa, Y. Iikura, F. Komatsu, Y. Yamaguchi, Maruzen Co. Ltd.; Tokyo, Japan (1992).
  29. Taken from instructions and capsule labels furnished by Herbert Struss, Ph.D. used in the original studies and also from article, Cyril M. Smith, M.D., "Immune Milk in the Treatment of the Rheumatoid Arthritis Syndrome," Journal of Immune Milk, Volume I, Number 1, International Association on Immunity, 2651 University Avenue, St. Paul, MN, June 1964.
  30. Paul K. Pybus, Dr., “The Herxheimer Effect,” see
  31. SymbioticsTM Homepage (
  32. Sarah Richardson, "Licking Infections," Discover, Vol. 17, Number 1, January 1996, p. 18.
  33. 38. C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D.,, “Osteoarthritic Pain: A Comparison of Homeopathy and Acetaminophen,” American Journal of Pain Management, Vol. 8, No. 3, July 1998.
  34. The U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia; Impro Products Co., Inc., vs John R. Block Secretary of the United States (Civil No. 81-1284, July 9, 1982; July 28, 1982; Sept 2, 1982.)
  35. Tom Tauke, "Iowa Woman Wins 20-year Battle With Bureaucracy," Des Moines Sunday Register, November 18, 1984.
  36. Patents used as source materials:

36a. U. S. Patent Office October 25, 1945 628,987

36b. Canadian Patent Office December 1, 1959 587, 849

36c. U. S. Patent Office April 2, 1968 3,376,198

36d. U.S. Patent Office April 18, 1981 4,284,623

36e. U. S. Patent Office September 6, 1983 4,402,938

36f. U. S. Patent Office March 28, 1989 4,816,563

36g. U. S. Patent Office June 27, 1989 4,843,065

36h. U.S. Patent Office April 2, 1991 33,565

36i. U. S. Patent Office April 7, 1992 5,102,669

Those who are interested in receiving copies of the above may order them from the U.S. Patent Office.

37.  Other Important Papers Used as Source Material:

37a. W.E. Petersen, "Immune Milk Treatment of Rheumatoid

Arthritis -- Review," Journal of Immune Milk, Vol. I, Number 1, W.E. Petersen Research Institute, International Association of Immunity, 2651 University Avenue, St. Paul, MN, June 1964 [Out of Print].

37b. W.E. Petersen, "A History of the Use of Immune Milk in the Treatment of Fall Pollenosis," Journal of Immune Milk, Vol. II, Number 1, W.E. Petersen Research Institute, International Association of Immunity, 2651 University Avenue, St. Paul, MN, June 1965 [Out of Print].

37c. Arthur E. Dracy [Brookings, South Dakota], "Immune Milk in the Treatment of Poison Ivy," Journal of Immune Milk, Vol. II , Number 1, W.E. Petersen Research Institute, International Association of Immunity, 2651 University Avenue, St. Paul, MN, June 1964 [Out of Print].

  1. Ralph J. Stolle, Lee R. Beck, Ph.D., Stolle Immune Milk, Stolle Milk Biologics, Int., 6954 Cornell Road, Cincinnati, OH 45242, 1989.
  2. Confidential Descriptive Memorandum, The Offering of Stolle Milk Biologics International, L.P., Dominick & Dominick.
  3. Trevor Lyons, B.D.S. (U. Lond.), L.D.S., R.C.S. (Eng.), R.M. (C.C.M.), Eleanor Stanfield, B.A., Introduction to Protozoa and Fungi in Periodontal Infections, 45 Rosebery Avenue, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1S 1W1, 1989.
  4. Anthony di Fabio, Gus J. Prosch, Jr., M.D., Arthritis: Osteoarthritisand Rheumatoid Disease, Including Rheumatoid Arthritis, 1997, p. 196, , see
  5. Lida H. Mattman, Ph.D., Cell Wall Deficient Forms: Stealth Pathogens, 2nd & 3rd editions, CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL.
  6. Personal correspondence from Lida H.Mattman, Ph.D.
  7. Tables from early patent

Also see Universal Oral Vaccine -- With Patents,
United States
Patent Number: 5,102,669
Date of Patent: Apr. 7, 1992

Method of Producing Remedies and Products of the Method


Note: Only one cow, #60, repeated in the second list in June. The necessity of reducing a high cell count in a dairy herd is essential in selling milk. Herds with cell counts over one and one-half million are prohibited from selling their milk on the market.

There is a great economic advantage in getting clinical cows back to normal without the use of antibiotics. This is due to the milk throwaway required when antibiotics are given a lactating dairy cow.

*Inter udder

  1. Jesse A. Stoff, M.D., The Use of Dialyzable Bovine Colostrum Extract in Conjunction With a Holistic Treatment Model for Natural Killer Cell Stimulation n Chronic Illness, 2122 North Craycroft, Suite 112, Tucson, AZ 85712, 1998.
  2. Morton Walker, D.P.M., “Bovine Colostrum Offers Broad-Spectrum Benefits for Wide-Ranging Ailments,” Townsend Letter for Doctors & Patients, April 1999, p. 74.
  3. Zoltan Rona, M.D., “Bovine Colostrum,” Nature’s Impact, August/September 1998, p. 57.





Herb Saunders Directions

  1. Mix 1/3 Impro or Chisholm Colostrum with 2/3 home-made colostrum, if desired.
  2. Drink this milk mixture.
  3. The cow’s first 3 milkings should give 5-6 gallons of milk.
  4. Always give the calf 2 pints.

Chisholm Biological Laboratory is 542 Legion Road, Warrenville, SC 29851-9362

Impro Products, Inc. is Waukon, Iowa 52172 (For Veterinarian use only)